Wednesday 31 October 2012

Jozef Aleksander Pedro

 Here are some shots made with the Panasonic WJAVE-3 and a HSS3J
by Jozef Aleksander Pedro

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Ital - Boi

Nice Feedback


Video produced by Aurora Halal and Daniel Martin McCormick

Saturday 27 October 2012

Bob Miloshevic (Incredible Bob)

"Incredible Bob or Bob Miloshevic) is a Belgrade-based video artist and VJ. Bob works in field of glitch art by recycling drops, bugs, pixels, scrambles, feedbacks and noises in a structural way. Bob collaborated as an editor on numerous film and video projects, and workshops as well. He’s a member of group for digital arts RESTART, permanent VJ for improv-guitarist WoO. He has taken part in numerous group exhibitions in Serbia and around Europe, and received several prizes for his individual work."

Jaap drupsteen

Thanks to Lars of LZX for turning me on to Jaap Drupsteen's work
there are some really well structured effects, animations and some interesting video effects related projects.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Chicago Dirty New Media: Round Robin

Reposted from Ben Baker-Smith

This Tuesday, October 16, a veritable tribe of Dirty Media hooligans will descend on the parking garage at the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art. The show starts promptly at 6 p.m.

Set-up begins at 4 p.m. and is open to the public, so if you want to check out the varied performance rigs, come early.

Join us for this real-time audio and video performance event which celebrates the Dirty New Media movement in Chicago. Dirty New Media artists utilize hacked electronics and improvisation to create works of art that are so wrong they’re right.

Performances take place in the bottom level of the museum’s garage (accessible by Chicago Avenue, at the intersection of N. Fairbanks Ct.) and start at 6 pm, with setup starting at 4 pm. Feel free to stop in and chat with folks as they prep their circuits and setup. This event is organized in collaboration with Nick Briz, an artist currently based in Chicago.

Caleb Bradley Simple Cross-Hatch & Dot Generator

Here is some scans of a 70s kit for a simple cross-hatch and dot generator, It picks up it's synchronisation directly from the television line output stage, so will probably only function correctly with a valve set. I left the IC's in their packet.

I cant decide weather to build it up in a historically sympathetic way or leave it box fresh :>


Some smart electronic video feedback work from Corrupt Toy Organisation, I especially like their black and white processing of computer animations, they say about themselves

"We are a collaboration of animalalikes and home video equipment. We spend our time warping composite signals with simple methods, searching for mulitfaceted beings and groundless landscapes. We then all remelt and continue."

associated musical act monomal & muttermahl. have some cool videos and the above colour image is from a live collaboration

Saturday 13 October 2012

Spinning Lights

Spinning Lights is a local public access TV show based on Manhattan channel 56 (Time Warner cable) or on RCN cable channel 111 that has been created since 1997 to the tune of 133 episodes by Joel Cadman. Most of the show's images are created with a process known as video feedback.The music for the show is mostly ambient and/or minimalist derived styles which Joel creates with a couple of music recording and midi sound programs,microphones and a synthesizer. 

This is quite frankly a stunning and gargantuan body of work to rival some of the most prolific video, and visual music artists I strongly urge you to study Joel images and wonder at the range of techniques and the level of artistry and precision he has employed to create these amazing feedback works. 

Serene Screens

some little screen shots from some video


"Black Zenith are Darren Moore & Brian O’Reilly. The duo performs using analog modular synthesizers & moving images. They produce dense sonic textures that generate live visuals through the transformation of audio signals into images. Black Zenith draws as much influence from noise music & the electroacoustic music tradition as they do from the foundations of abstract video art."



The video features video synth effects by the technical wiz Ruben Broman and his homemade machine.
Fashion by: A-S Dåvik

Friday 12 October 2012

Fast Food Music Video.

This is a great idea I cant belivie more people haven't used this format! Fast Food Music Video is an experimental platform for DIY music video production and distribution. These videos were created entirely in real time using hacked analogue video gear and real-time mixing and editing. The effects are provided by Chris Ballint and the project itself is produced by Eric Barry Drasin and a whole host of other people listed on the projects tumblr.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Robert Cahen

Robert Cahen video artist, photographer and composer first developed his work as the result of his studies of electro acoustic composition with Michel Chion and Pierre Schaeffer at the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique (CNSM) in Paris in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Cahen discovered and used the EMS Spectron in a series of video works he made in the late 1970s. He first worked with the an early French video processor called the Truquer Universel built by Francis Coupigny , Cahen began using the Spectron when he gained access to one whilst working at the INA (Institut National de l’ Audiovisuel), and produced Sans Titre (1977), L’Eclipse (1979), Trompe- l’oeil (1979) and L’ent’apercu (1980) he has gone on to produce many more interesting works and collaborations.

Wednesday 10 October 2012


On Sunday me and long time collaborator Gary McQuiggin  did a short audio visual performance using synthesizers and video feedback as part of my friend Rosa and Daf's amazing semi regular film night Sunday Cinerama at Total-Refreshment Centre, Also performing was my good friend Jerry Fleming who I also provided some impromptu live video for, Jerrys piece was simple and beautiful, Daf's band Dana Kunze did a stellar performance with an amazingly simple but affective video element filming the inside of a computer that was also a mic'd sound source for some of the textures processed through effects. After the live set there were films screened form some new artists as well as some visual music classics Jordan Belson, John Whitney, Sr ect, It was inspiring to watch these masters after my slap dash approach and makes me want to hone my aesthetic and performative skills further. thanks to T R Centre and Justin Houghton for the snaps and all the other band members and film makers for the fun.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Walter Schröder-Limmer

Walter Schröder-Limmer seems to be a German video artist and possibly composer responsible for some early video work and a notable collaboration with Benjamin Heidersberger who's father was responsible for early experiments in one of my other loves 'drawn sound' using his amazing series of harmonograph like machines the Rhythmogramm,  As far as I can tell Benjamin later went on to build an electronic version of the Rhythmogramm which also created amazing Lissajous patterns on an oscilloscope, it seems Walter Schröder-Limmer processed these images with an EMS Spectre and other studio equipment resulting in a series of collaborative videos. Walter Schröder-Limmer's work has also been featured more recently at an exhibition Record> Again! 40 Years of Video Art at Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe (ZKM) which I believe is part of  this project