Friday 24 December 2010

Glitchmas Eve


tw@5 7he NIgh7 83F0r3 glI7ChM@5, wh3N @LL 7hR0ugh tH3 circui7
N0t @ v0l7 w@s $tirriNg, n07 3Ven @n 3LeC7r0n @nd $0 0n

vaguely reminiscent of a christmas tree no?

Thursday 23 December 2010

Chops from Tyler Kinney and Andy Martrich

Tyler Kinney has sent me some interesting projects he has been working on.

In his words

"they are a collaboration with Andy Martrich, he writes the words and creates the sound. I generate the video using a fed-back video mixer. And then some keying and editing."

check out his channel here for some more interesting videos

Sunday 19 December 2010

Chirp -1

Here is another video that utilizes a Quantel DPE 5000, created in 1979 with Video and audio by Dean WInkler, Glenn Van Alstyne, Tom Lucke, Elaine Lewis, and Brian Aitchison.

check out Dean WInklers amazing youtube channel here for work that incorporates video effects and techniques from pre digital era right on through to early computer graphics and beyond

the breadth and range of the work is very impressive

from Dean in reply to someone's question on youtube
"This was created in two separate effects passes: An old porno tape was processed using a Serge modular music synthesizer to sequence the sounds and control the colorization of a Hern video synthesizer (both analog). The sounds are also inserted into the video, which are the stripes you see, changing with frequency. The tape from the first pass was used to seed an analog feedback loop around a Quantel 5000 digital effects device. Sorry, I have no clue what an AfterEfx plug-in equivalent is :-)"

U.S. A.P.E. 'Ignorance is Bliss' Video

here is a video from 1978 watch out for the advance (for the time) video effects at the end using a The Quantel DPE 5000 and early digital video effects that would later be followed by the hugely popular paint box 

check more interesting stuff from dcortex

Friday 17 December 2010

Wednesday 15 December 2010


here are some interesting machanical/optical video Kaleidoscopes from galaxyglassworks all motorized with composite video outputs 

some of these are one of a kind or small production runs

the "INDUSTRIAL POP" at $1200 seems pricey but if you compare these to custom other hand made electro mechanical devices it's not to crazy 

"SCANDINAVIAN" the more complex at $2000.00

Monday 13 December 2010

Radio 4 Visualized

I'm working on a circuit that converts audio in to a readable video signal

Friday 10 December 2010

Thursday 9 December 2010

redsquirrels noisy video creations

Jason aka redsquirrels has been uploading some very compelling video work that has a really individual/personal human feel (which I think is can be hard in glitch/media art)

check his blog here for weird and awesome explanations

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Ben Baker-Smith Vaudeo Signal

here is an mazing feat an 31 minute AV album by Ben Baker-Smith and Evan Kühl

the official online release is here   very impressive stuff!

Track List

1. fralix_01
2. unsound
3. yellow splice
4. radiation_test
5. rainbow passed me by
6. color trough
7. prism #3
8. light being

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Don Slepian

here are a few interesting videos from Don Slepian scroll down on his home page from some more video synth action. (I have posted one or two from his youtube before)

Monday 6 December 2010

Neon Indian Mind Drips with analogue video from LZX

Lars Larsen from LZX industries has created this beautiful video with his video synth system

Sunday 5 December 2010

Gebhard Sengmüller A Parallel Image

here is a piece of work by Gebhard Sengmüller the guy behind the mazing vinyl video and many more amazing projects detailed on his website (my favorite being, the use of 24 kodak carousel s-av 2050 to roughly simulate a 35mm film projector, INSANE!)

check out this beautiful image from his work A Parallel Image which like allot of his work deconstructs communication technologies by building mechanisms that never existed to illustrate how todays complex impregnable systems can be broken down and understood. video on his site

Saturday 4 December 2010

Stevo Wolfson

previously featured in this post for his video tape looping diagrams, here are some way cool photos of Stevo Wolfson working at The School Of The Art Institute Of Chicago Video Studio arround 1981 to 1983 website here. ps check out the Sandin IP!

Friday 3 December 2010


Another gem shown to me from Tom in Canada be sure to check his blog. Last time he sent me this. This time he emailed me to let tell me about in his words...

"There was a show that happened a few weeks back here in Vancouver based around audiovisual performances by artists or bands. The performer(s) would alter a movie of their choosing, then perform a live soundtrack to the film. It was a great experience and went over very well, given that the majority of concerts here are mainly without visuals."

and from the facebook event page

"Inspired by No Age's live scoring of the film 'The Bear', Alternate Realities is the reinterpretation of the idea of the soundtrack in film. How the usage of sound can change a mood or intensity within a visual context simply through different applications and fluxuations of that sound. The goal was ultimately to create a piece that exists outside of the original product and ultimately becomes something that exists within it's own dimension, almost as if it would be the version within another reality.
With Performances by:

Josh Stevensen( Magneticring/Von Bingen)
Mel Paget (UUIUU/Mafia Wars/Group Marriage)
Cameron Borthwick ( Marcus Naslund/ Ex- Cheerleader Camp, Golden Touch)
Sean Orr (Tassels)
Tom Whalen & Ben Jacques ( Haunted Beard/GAK)
Rob Ondzik, Evan Mcdowell & Felix Machinations ( Soft Focus)

Entry will be 5 dollars
Doors at 7:30, Performances will start around 8:30-9"

here is a clip from Mel Paget's performance from mafiahunt

sometimes I wish I lived in Canada  

Tom informs me there is another show planed!

Thursday 2 December 2010

Psychedelic TV Feedback

Psychedelic TV Feedback from rageofthesage