Tuesday 26 April 2011

David Stringer And Mr Colorizer

In the world of DIY video hardware it is quite hard to have done something unusual as the area you are working in is unusual in itself so anything you make appears out of the ordinary anyway

When I stumbled upon David Stringer's site about Mr Colorizer and Mr Animation, it took me a while to notice that the original Mr Colorizer (1975) was valve based !!! thats right vacuum tubes !!! the rest of his system is pretty interesting as well sharing some of the same functionality as the scanimate. Surly a Valve based colouriser is something to be marveled at :)

his youtube is here

Saturday 23 April 2011

Ben Baker-Smith Interview

Ben Baker-Smith who I have posted about before (Vaudeo Signal) has just done an interview on a French public access TV show called L’Oeil De Links. He also very kindly name drops Video Circuits at the end ! big thanks Ben :) be sure to check out his fantastic projects on his site including the quite insane http://infiniteglitch.com/

Friday 22 April 2011


looks awesome! form Seth Nemec on flickr check his photos for more shots form the Experimental Television Center

Monday 18 April 2011

Saturday 16 April 2011

London Zine Symposium

My friend Caspar has been making zines for ages, recently he has started publishing other peoples (and his own work) under the name EYEPAIN we will both be at London Zine Symposium tomorrow on Sunday the 17th with our new zines 

Friday 15 April 2011

Me & My Bro Gary McQuiggin VJ Set at Ether Festival

so Gary brought so me of his more ambient film loops for me to process live with my equipment was a pretty fun night met lots for nice people and got some good feedback (yes that is my idea of a joke)

Saturday 9 April 2011

Meltdown (Chaos In Motion)

here is Meltdown (Chaos In Motion) by Aaron F. Ross and Christian Greuel

Aaron also has this excellent website as well as teaching here

and the other video on his youtube channel linked at the top are worth studying

Friday 8 April 2011

Friday 1 April 2011

Suburban Lawns 'Janitor' Video By Denise Gallant

"Denise Gallant created this video for the band Suburban Lawns in 1980. Originally on 3/4 inch,the video was recently recaptured and touched up. For a Hi Rez version, contact info@video4dvd.com"

thanks to Video4dvd for the upload

for more on Denise Gallant's video synth the Synopsis ho here!