Wednesday, 30 December 2009


very exiting stuff happening in the modular video synth market with two product ranges set to grace more experimental racks everywhere with modules to create and manipulate video signals 

the LZX Industries project seems to be going full steam and is very exiting check and for more info. I think its really good to build up customer support by posting these kind of dev/demo videos interesting stuff!

Lars Larsen one of the guys behind the project corrected my earlier conjecture about the The Jones Video Synth being the same project as the Visionary

"Hi Chris! Thanks for mentioning the Visionary. This isn't the same project, but ours will similarly be a EuroRack format modular video synthesizer/processing system. There is a splash page up at and we'll be releasing module details very soon. Please stay in touch with us!"

I hope the two projects make a new video synth renaissance a viable prospect 

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Jones Modular Video Synth Coming Soon

The Jones Video Synth will be in Euro format and should
come out sometime soon holding page here.  Dave Jones is 
a long time video synth expert and he worked at the 
Experimental Television Center 

LZX Visionary modular video synthesizer has 
been mentioned on VJ forums could this be the same project
or a rival ? info here and here

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Atari 2600 Video Bending

Big round up of Atari 2600 bent for video 

POETRY IN CODE by 5yearcoma

Slavlee Experiment by  slavleeexperiment

Atari 2600 clone by failotron

Smash the system! by nordloef 

Atari 2600 Noise & Visuals Machine by castlegayskull

live 8bit chiptune and visuals by heavyw8bit

astroblast 02 by e1mer0

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Scanimate Letter H

From the youtbe description by NantoVision

"1977, a neat little segment about the letter H, narrated by Luis (Emilio Delgado) and a little girl named Heather. With no new episodes of The Electric Company being made that year, I guess CTW had to think of something else to do with their trusty Scanimate machine. Personally, I wish they had used it more."

more on the scanimate here and here