Saturday 31 December 2011

Peter Donebauer "Entering" (1974)

"The imagery and sound in Entering were performed 'live' by Donebauer and composer Simon Desorgher, and recorded in real time, using a colour TV studio at the Royal College of Art. Later Donebauer and Richard Monkhouse developed the Videokalos synthesiser, as an image-sound performance instrument. Entering was transmitted by the BBC in 1974."

Uploaded by Visual Remix Workshop "Visual remix" is a project consisting of workshop series aiming to explore ideas of remix in visual arts and design. It invites students to re-interpret or hybridize classic design/art piece and produce unique result independent of the intentions and vision of the original designer/artist.
Project by Rafaela Drazic (

Friday 30 December 2011

Sabrina Ratté at Bubble Byte

Sabrina Ratté
Activated Memory
31/12/11 - 29/01/12
30/12/2011 (7-11pm GMT)

" is pleased to present Activated Memory, a solo exhibition by Canadian artist Sabrina Ratté.

Activated Memory is a two video project based on animated photographs of different parks and buildings of Montreal. Through the use of video feedback, 3D animation and color manipulations, the pictures render a new kind of space, a virtual world where only fragments of "reality" subsist. The music accompaniment is composed by Roger Tellier-Craig.

In Activated Memory I, a video created for The Download section of, parks appear through a very minimalist form composed by trees and grass. It is a journey through the parks disposal and their interaction with light, almost creating a surreal experience while studying symmetric relationships between various elements like dunes, bridges, lost routes and nature. The park and its imaginary recall childhood visits and the way of looking at things, almost like a hologram of an idealised memory.

Activated Memory II, created exclusively for, uses buildings as the main subject of observation. As a counterpoint to parks, buildings are characterised by angular forms and opaque surfaces. Architecture is used as a point of departure to create instability. Buildings discompose their limits into the frame while the geometric original shapes and dimensions of the image loose control to create an entrance to a chaotic space where forms become liquid."

Monday 26 December 2011

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Warner Jepson

Not sure how much Jepson was involved with the video or if he always had collaborators, never the less some beautiful images and sounds.

 "Orange Wind" via shinkoyo

Ice Box Nice Box via gryflett

Music Jepson with Video from Stephen Beck via zackdagoba

With Bob Pacelli on video via clemgal007

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Video Transmitter Experiments

So I found this old transistor set on the way home from a friends house a while ago and I had already got a few transmitters in my piles of junk, so I thought I would test them out and try some feedback. To my amazement the transmitter would invert the image on some settings. I also played around with my Audio to video circuit in to the transmitter at one point and made this "cool" montage poster  

Johnny Woods and Dpony VHS Movie/Album

Dpony Movie is available on VHS tape in a limited edition of 100 copies.
Orders are available now for the price of $19.99 (including shipping and handling, USA only)

Monday 14 November 2011


Not a video synth related post however I helped out with some of the sound on this for my good friend Max. It's for an energy drink animation competition. Him and Dave really knocked it out of the park on this one I am in awe !!! also for those who are interested all of the sounds were generated with analogue synthesisers they felt this went well with the visual style inspired by Russian matchbook Labels from this excellent post on sci-fi-o-rama.

also I find it quite amusing to appropriate soviet imagery for a very capitalistic reason but then I think back to animators of the soviet block subtly working in the stories they wanted to tell regardless of the state line and maybe this is the capitalist version ?

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Friday 4 November 2011

Maplin Magazine Dec 1995

looks like it has a kaleidoscope style video effects project posibly the one posted on audio visualizers 
source here

Vortexya Video Kaleidoscope

this is a super cool video kaleidoscope based on feedback
more info here

"Electric kaleidoscope battling the nightGlow and dance in your own resonance
Allow us to zoom into your depths and
Mesmerize us with your infinite patterns"

see this post for more on video kaleidoscopes

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Gieskes Hacked Composite to VGA Video Synth now easier to get!

Gieskes Hacked Composite to VGA Video Synth now easier to get thanks to Bleep Labs

Flöt by Studiokeks

very nicely done simple feedback video

Thursday 13 October 2011

Friday 7 October 2011

Infermental 4 at Chisenhale

Saturday 8 October, 11.30am-7pm 
Screening of the pioneering videocassette magazine Infermental. Issue Four, a 1985 edition of the magazine, will be shown in its seven hour entirety. Introduced by James Richards and Dan Kidner, in advance of their publication ‘A Journey Around Infermental’, edited with George Clark and published by Focal Point Gallery, Southend-on-Sea.

Chisenhale Gallery
64 Chisenhale Road
London E3 5QZ

Monday 3 October 2011

Trees Fall Live 9-17-11

Sorry I haven't posted in a while I have been super busy, anyway here is something cool from synchroton

Saturday 10 September 2011

John Foxx

Recently super nice guy and talented Graphic designer Jonathan Barnbrook asked me to help him out with including some analogue and hardware based effects on a video he was putting together for John Foxx, here are the results (mostly Jonathan's hard work with some image processing by me) 

It was a great experience to work on 

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Arduino Video Experimenter Shield

Here is a new video interface for the Arduino link here 

"The Video Experimenter shield is an Arduino shield that lets you do all kinds of experiments with video.
Overlay text and graphics onto a video signal from a camera, DVR, DVD player, VCR or any other source of composite video.
Capture low-res video image frames for display or video processing. Give your Arduino the gift of sight!
Perform object detection for computer vision projects.
Decode closed captioning or XDS (extended data services) data embedded in television broadcasts.
Works with NTSC (North America) or PAL (rest of the world) television standards.
Uses digital pins 2, 6, 7, 8, and optionally 9. Uses analog pin 2."

Monday 22 August 2011

Richard's Video Synth Jam mk2

 Yesterday I visited Richard's house (one of the few video synth guys in the UK) to see his system again, test some stuff and talk about building my own system based on his designs for more info on his system see here ---> synth-punk

We captured some low quality video from my capture device that I'm sure will find it's way online at sompoint on his blog but for now here are some even lower-quality snaps from my archaic antediluvian mobile phone. Sorry about the quality :(

we also played with some feedback using Richard's genlockable CCTV camera
his system is fantastic fun to play with!

Monday 8 August 2011

nightmare machine test

from ldtronics

"some test footage run through a video enhancer that i modified, it now is more of a dehancer and that is just how i like it. the machine can glitch the video (any video source can be run through it) manually or an audio source can be run into it causing it to glitch to the music. it has a lowpass filter which allows you to control the frequencies of the music that cause it to glitch. this video is manual glitching only. also, sorry if the audio level is low... but i am too lazy to fix that."

Sunday 7 August 2011

Electrokraft Music Vision

Here is a sample of the output from an Electrokraft Music Vision uploaded by Fletcher Pratt
more info here and here

Friday 5 August 2011

Professor Tom's Video Feedback

Here is an excellent website and gallery of video feedback images and techniques explained by Professor Tom

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Cait Stephens

 There is a cool video instillation documented on Cait Stephens site made with modified TVs

Saturday 30 July 2011

Monday 18 July 2011

Planet Rock Soul Sonic Force

The ORIGINAL music video edited for Afrika Bambaataa
and TommyBoy in 1982 by VIDEOMIX PRODUCTIONS, NY
(Danny Cornyetz & Jessica Jason) An earlier version of the clip played the niteclubs in 1980 and 81.
We took a video shoot from the Peppermin Lounge 18th st and joind it with NASA footage (Public Domain) in TELETRONICS NY

Friday 15 July 2011

TRANSFORMATION Music Video by Suzanne Doucet & James Bell

"Camera James Bell, Directed by Suzanne Doucet. This Music Video was produced in Munich Germany in 1985 with a Fairlight Video Synthesizer. Music by Suzanne Doucet and Christian Buehner from the album TRANSFORMATION (1983) which is avialble on CD."

Via onamtuber on youtube

GVS1 Gieskes Arduino Video Sampler

absolutely astounding work from Gieskes

Friday 8 July 2011

Barry Schrader: Moon-Whales

"This video is from a 1985 concert at CalArts that dealt with real-time video processing of live performances. This is the final movement of Schrader's "Moon-Whales and Other Moon Songs" (1982-83), based on poems by Ted Huges. Performers include Maurita Phillips-Thormburgh, soprano, and Michael Scroggins, live video processing. The electronic music was created on a Buchla 200 system (Electric Music Box)."

Thursday 7 July 2011

LZX New Prototypes

"Testing out a few upcoming LZX modules. These examples of pattern synthesis combine a basic LZX system with new prototypes for Video Ramps, Triple Video Processor, Video Logic, Voltage Interface II, and the Sandin Differentiator and Function Generator. This montage is designed to give an overall impression of some possibilities with integrating the new modules into a pattern synthesis workflow. Video created by Johnny Woods, some clips with assistance by Gavin Russom. Music unrelated to the video source."

LZX Patterns and Beat Sync

syncing TTA z3000 with the LZX waveform generator.

tons of doepfer quadrature LFO

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Moving Image Arts London

A peer to peer moving image artist meet-up-group for the discussion, development and experimentation of the moving image. All welcome, if you have work you want to show even better. Friendly atmosphere to talk about work finished or not, Swap skills, equipment, opportunities, links and arrange exhibitions.


"Imagos was made with an analog video synthesizer, an oscilloscope, a tube video camera and an Arp 2600.
Music by: BULBS


Sunday 19 June 2011

Bent Festival

sure to be some good video stuff at this !

The Tank and 319 Scholes Present 2011 Bent Festival

Thursday, June 23 to Saturday, June 25

Location: 319 Scholes Street (Brooklyn, NY)

L train to Montrose Ave.

BROOKLYN, NY - The 2011 Bent Festival will be held at 319 Scholes in Brooklyn, June 23rd - 25th. Bent Festival is an annual art and music festival celebrating DIY electronics, hardware hacking, and circuit bending. Each year we invite artists from across the country and around the globe to perform music with their home-made or circuit bent instruments, teach workshops to adults and children alike, create beautiful art installations and to generally come together, face to face, and showcase the state of the art in DIY electronics and circuit bending culture.

Twitter: @bentfestival (#bent11)
Facebook: Bent Festival Facebook
Photo stream on Flickr:
Video by Dr. Rek (featuring Daedalus):

Thursday 16 June 2011

The Block And CRT Video Cubes

Every one knows despite Hantarex and Sony no longer offering CRT monitors they are still a preferred display technology for many galleries and artists, that's where companies like The Block come in. Also they are super sweet for video feedback effects as they react differently to other displays and have real presence as objects!


The Block offers monitors for hire to artists, curators, galleries and museums staging film and video work throughout the UK. The Block funds, produces and provides support for a range of projects which can be found in the updates section of this website."

Monday 13 June 2011

Audio/Video Feedback Experiments

Audio/video feedback experiments by Colman Jones

Thursday 9 June 2011

Dirty Video Mixer

here is a nicely housed Dirty Video Mixer by Raquel Meyers and her flickr

Tuesday 7 June 2011

K-synth (test#2)

site here

"a video-game with no winner.
stand alone video synthesizer using arduino.

belo horizonte / Brazil - 02/2011
soundtrack - model sm (anthony rother)"

LoVid: The Other Side of Ground

new video work by LoVid at Mixed Greens Gallery  here is the facebook event

16 June
Mixed Greens
531 west 26th street, 1st floor
New York, New York

"Mixed Greens is pleased to present the site-specific window project The Other Side of Ground by Tali Hinkis and Kyle Lapidus, the artist duo known as LoVid. Their dynamic, colorful pieces are a masterful mix of the low- and high-tech.
Known for their innovative performances, live video installations, tactile objects, patchworks, sculptures, and installations, LoVid encourages the viewer to reexamine his/her relationship to the digital world. By mixing analog and digital philosophies, processes, and techniques, LoVid’s pieces come to life. In one piece, for instance, it was necessary for viewers to touch points on a monolithic sculpture in order for a video to activate. Human touch became the subject of a digital output.

The Other Side of Ground consists of five large-scale digital prints in the windows of Mixed Greens. The vivid colors and patterns are created with LoVid’s handmade video synthesizer, recorded and recomposed into analog prints. The artists’ visual work offers an intensely visceral experience, forming a blended landscape that incorporates complementary elements from media noise and abstract painting. They are ultimately interested in the ways in which the human body and mind observe, process, and respond to natural and technological environments, as well as how we preserve data, signals, and memory.

The Other Side of Ground is a series of prints referencing Newman-like mid-century abstraction and the sublime, but quite literally representing noise and digital energy that we rarely visualize.
Mixing the handmade with the technological, LoVid questions and recontextualizes our relationship with technology."

Thank to Destructural Video for the heads up

Liberation Through Hearing and Seeing

"Created in March 2011 with Misra Iltus.DV

Video created using an OEI analog video synthesizer modulated by an ARP 2600, and two Ampex ADO video processing units. Sounds created with a combination of software and hardware. Edited together with Premiere."

Ian Andrews

Ian Andrews has a great site detailing his multimedia work here  but he also has some great info on Subvertigo a VJ/video art collective started by Ian, John Jacobs and Marco Fante  here  (also see skynoise for more info)

I really recommend reading the interviews and ideas on the Subvertigo but as always the technology caught my eye including the Arlunya VPS210

I think I already posted this a while back but it can't hurt to do it again

Ray Sweeten

some feedback stills from Ray Sweeten on his site

Friday 3 June 2011

Sunday 29 May 2011

Hav1bit VGA Video Synth

awsome project from Telenoika

"1 Bit Audiovisual Synthesizer
Hav1bit is a VGA and audio synthesizer, consisting of 3 square pulse generators which can modulate themselves, in a way very simmilar to the FM synthesis techniques.
The project is done by means of Arduino programming, and it incoporates an interface consisting of 6 pots and 6 buttons, which can control individually the RGB channels. The very same pulses which are generating visual data are transformed into audio, so what you see is exactly what you hear!"

hav1bit from Telenoika on Vimeo.

Friday 27 May 2011


Here is an awesome website and youtube channel for Videoheads a very early (and still somewhat active) video arts collective

"Videoheads began its activities in London, 1967 at the Arts Lab, working with some equipment donated to us by The Beatles. This cumbersome and unreliable equipment was replaced in 1968 when we staged a huge happening at the Albert Hall known as The Alchemical Wedding. Money from that event was used to create a studio and mobile equipment dedicated to the documentation of alternative artistic activities which "normal" TV would not bother with. We were the TV of the alternative society.

In the intervening 40 years we have always maintained a free, open studio, archive and showplace dedicated to what we call "Videoculture"

After 20 years of consulting and working with UNESCO in Paris, the collection and workshop have been re-united in our new workspace in Amsterdam"

here are some awesome videos 

thanks to Diamond Variations for bringing these guys to my attention  :)

Monday 23 May 2011


Ultimate Eye Pain + Pseudo Nippon present -


DVD Release date - 27/5/11​pseudonippon1984

 Caspar created all the animation and directed the video, my other good friend Max edited the whole thing and I did the comparably small task adding some feed back for them both to work with :)

Swordz of Legend 1

yo helped my bro Caspar with this little vid that went with one of his awesome zines ( I think the original video was taken from another youtuber)

Sunday 22 May 2011

Interesting feedback videos from 1996

from the youtube of spacemetalizer
"It's the Occasional Cow. Another in the series of DIY videos that I made in '96."

"Here's another one of my DIY videos back from '96. I called this one 'Pumping Organ'.. well, watch and see why"

Matsumoto Toshio MONA LISA-1973

Matsumoto Toshio MONA LISA-1973 from Astalot117

Saturday 21 May 2011

Video Synthesis at Sydney Opera House!

Johnny Woods will be performing at the Sydney Opera House with his LZX and some prerecorded material !!!

28 May 2011 7:30PM - 11:59PM

"Gavin Russom, the synthesizer wizard behind The Crystal Ark and Black Meteoric Star, has been specially commissioned to create his most ambitious work ever exclusively for Vivid LIVE. The show is a 90 minute concert and installation featuring a 10 strong collective of musicians and artists from NYC, DFA Records, LCD Soundsystem and more.

Known as "The Wizard" for his technical prowess Russom has built instruments for the likes of James Murphy (LCD Soundsystem) and Tim Goldsworthy (UNKLE) and has toured playing synths and percussion with LCD Soundsystem.

Bringing the full Crystal Ark collective together with dancers, lighting designers and video and projection artists, Russom will expand on the immersive multi-sensory experiences he has developed for the 28th Sao Paulo Bienial, MOMA and PS1 in New York.

Sydney Opera House is the perfect location and Vivid LIVE the ideal occasion for this fusion of intense visuals with the living sound of The Crystal Ark full band."

Friday 20 May 2011

chromaton14 tumblr

Ok so this has exited me of late, a tumblr about fixing up an old chromaton14

Monday 16 May 2011

SYNKIE @ Electron

you may remember ​synkie form this post and this one

"For the first 4 Days we installed our Analog Visuals Labor at the Bâtiment d'art contemporain, where we exposed the Synkie and continued to work on it. For the Vernissage we performed live with Nikki Neeke.
Video by Mohammed Doulaymi, Music by gmz"

please go to the SYNKIE channel or site for more 

Saturday 7 May 2011


OK so this is a little less hardware based than usual but I just had to post it due to the insanity

Tuesday 26 April 2011

David Stringer And Mr Colorizer

In the world of DIY video hardware it is quite hard to have done something unusual as the area you are working in is unusual in itself so anything you make appears out of the ordinary anyway

When I stumbled upon David Stringer's site about Mr Colorizer and Mr Animation, it took me a while to notice that the original Mr Colorizer (1975) was valve based !!! thats right vacuum tubes !!! the rest of his system is pretty interesting as well sharing some of the same functionality as the scanimate. Surly a Valve based colouriser is something to be marveled at :)

his youtube is here

Saturday 23 April 2011

Ben Baker-Smith Interview

Ben Baker-Smith who I have posted about before (Vaudeo Signal) has just done an interview on a French public access TV show called L’Oeil De Links. He also very kindly name drops Video Circuits at the end ! big thanks Ben :) be sure to check out his fantastic projects on his site including the quite insane

Friday 22 April 2011


looks awesome! form Seth Nemec on flickr check his photos for more shots form the Experimental Television Center

Monday 18 April 2011

Saturday 16 April 2011

London Zine Symposium

My friend Caspar has been making zines for ages, recently he has started publishing other peoples (and his own work) under the name EYEPAIN we will both be at London Zine Symposium tomorrow on Sunday the 17th with our new zines 

Friday 15 April 2011

Me & My Bro Gary McQuiggin VJ Set at Ether Festival

so Gary brought so me of his more ambient film loops for me to process live with my equipment was a pretty fun night met lots for nice people and got some good feedback (yes that is my idea of a joke)

Saturday 9 April 2011

Meltdown (Chaos In Motion)

here is Meltdown (Chaos In Motion) by Aaron F. Ross and Christian Greuel

Aaron also has this excellent website as well as teaching here

and the other video on his youtube channel linked at the top are worth studying

Friday 8 April 2011

Friday 1 April 2011

Suburban Lawns 'Janitor' Video By Denise Gallant

"Denise Gallant created this video for the band Suburban Lawns in 1980. Originally on 3/4 inch,the video was recently recaptured and touched up. For a Hi Rez version, contact"

thanks to Video4dvd for the upload

for more on Denise Gallant's video synth the Synopsis ho here!

Thursday 24 March 2011


leftover bits from other edits over an old demo

Monday 21 March 2011

Peter Max and his Fine Art

Thanks Dan for showing me this and overtheedgenow for uploading it

Friday 18 March 2011

Johnny Woods Live Video Synth SUN 20th NY

also CRITTER & GUITARI! and Johnny will be creating ambient video backgrounds for your amazement

MEET CRITTER & GUITARI !! Check out some of their awesome handheld sound & visual devices! 
Other wonderous video machines courtesy of Johnny Woods.... 
you can come and do nothing too, and nobody will judge you."

here is some of Johnny talking about his set up

Thursday 17 March 2011

New test

audio separate from video (just pasted together) next time I will record A/V simultaneously and allow one to effect the other

the goal for this test was to give a feeling of movement through the picture plane in to the distance as most of my work feels quite flat

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Gieskes vm1-prototype Video Mixer Wiper

info here mixer/wiper with some nice complex pixilated wipes

Saturday 12 March 2011

Swindon Viewpoint

I have often been jealous of the fact that in America (and many other countries) public access television exists and produces weird and interesting content while Britain has a very closed network

However I recently discovered this was not always the case by stumbling on to Swindon Viewpoint's Vimeo they were one of the first and longest running local services and still produce content to this day

Friday 11 March 2011

Wednesday 9 March 2011

The Martian Report

"In 1976, Jim Neidhardt put one of the first Sony Portapaks in a backpack and used a telephoto lens. Equipped with a radiomike, Howard Rheingold roamed the streets of the San Francisco Bay Area, posing as Howard K. Martian, extraterrestrial anthropologist."

Thanks to Humanoidity for uploading this

"Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

Howard Rheingold (born July 7, 1947) is a critic and writer; his specialties are on the cultural, social and political implications of modern communication media such as the Internet, mobile telephony and virtual communities (a term he is credited with inventing)."

Saturday 5 March 2011

Collab With Lucy

Did some visuals with Lucy for Lucky PDF TV at BYOB London the other week. It was a really fast collaboration we did it all sending stuff back and forth on line. We both made short clips and then sent them to each other to manipulate further. I worked with hardware and she worked with software.

The results are pretty quick and messy but sometimes its nice to work fast!

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Bradford Bahamas

Ever wanted to play CRT screens like touch pads visually displaying the waveform of the notes they are controlling, well then check out Bradford Bahamas

Monday 28 February 2011

Bertoa and The VISUALIST!

Remember Bertoa's video from this post ? well he has just published full documentation for an audio reactive colouriser ! the Visualist

here is the PDF

please respect the open source nature of the project credit where credit is due :)

thanks Bertoa! 

Sunday 27 February 2011

Artists' Television Access : The Feminism of our Times

Cut and Run + Red Channels in San Francisco: The Feminism of our Times

Artists' Television Access
992 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA

"Re-enacting Liberation: The Feminism of our Times

Radical collective Red Channels is in town from New York City, and is bringing rare films and videos to screen, and for use in stimulating open discussion. This program features early examples of video art, collectively produced documentary, and recent reenactments, which explore the relationship of moving image artists to political agitators and organizers, with work featuring Angela Davis and Valerie Solanas, and two rare productions by Carole Roussopoulos.

Cut and Run is proud to co-present this program.

–Jean Genet parle d’Angela Davis – Carole Roussopoulos, 1970, 7 minutes
–The Woman’s Film – San Francisco Newsreel, 1971, 40 minutes
–SCUM Manifesto – Carole Roussopoulos & Delphine Seyrig, 1976, 26 minutes
–Performing SCUM – Angela Marzullo, 2005, 6 minutes
–The Liberation of Our People [excerpt] – Mark Tribe, 2008, 5 minutes
TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 84 minutes | Digital Projection

Discussion to follow screening.

Red Channels is a radical collective from New York City. they organize public events and use various forms of art and media to facilitate open discussions on culture and politics.

Cut and Run is a traveling film festival from the bay area specializing in the exhibition of short avant-garde and experimental video and film programs.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Drop Out Video Arts

So here is something super that should happen more  

"Drop Out Video Arts (DOVA) is a newly-founded non-profit organization motivated toward the promotion of experimental video-art in Vancouver, Canada. Previously a tight-nit group of independent artists residing in the Downtown Eastside, DOVA decided to form a non-profit in late 2010 with a goal of bringing this highly collaborative art-form into larger, more publicly accessible venues."


Friday 25 February 2011

BYOB London and Lucky PDF TV

if you cant make it to south London tonight for BYOB watch Lucky PDF TV live

"18:30-22:00 (GMT) LuckyPDF will be hosting a live Internet TV stream
covering the events and content of BYOB London from a television studio
within The Woodmill hangar. Stay tuned"
link here

Thursday 24 February 2011

Sunday 20 February 2011

LZX Visionary - Vector Rescanning Experiments

so LZX have been messing with ratser scan effects to great results

Venetian Sun

2 oscillators modulating the key threshold and wipe size of a modified video mixer in a feedback loop.

from gzifcak on vimeo

Saturday 19 February 2011

Some More Screen Caps

mo feedback 2
mo feedback 7
mo feedback 8
mo feedback 5
mo feedback 6

and here is an effect I'm trying out

Friday 18 February 2011

LZX Visionary Synth Photo Shoot

So LZX have some cool shots coming of their system here is a quick sample
swords, cars, and video synths! come on guys turn down the awesometer :)

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Video Synth Meet Up!

Last friday me and fellow video synthesist and blogger Richard met up for the first time, to exchange knowledge and mess about with video. I brought along a bit of gear to Richard's where he has his DIY modular video synthesizer set up! Richard's blog is here

here are some quick low quality captures we did to archive the messing around and initial experimentation, most of this is actually just Richard's system.

and some screen caps





Sunday 13 February 2011

Esopus Television Issue

This years first issue of the biannual are magazine Esopus is focused on television I haven't got it (just browsed it and left it on the shelf) but it looks quite interesting. They also put on an event at the legendary media art pioneers Woody and Steina Vasulka's hang out The Kitchen