Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Hilarious Michael Jackson's Black or White vs the Wobulator

here is a super cool piece by marisaolson on youtube using the raster scan distortion device created by Naim June Paik which is now part of the gear at the ETC

from the description
" The audio signals from Michael Jackson's "Black or White" modify the processing of a video of me listening to the song, via Nam June Paik's rasterizer/"wobulator." I made this on a residency at the Experimental Television Center (NY) and it's one of many headphone pieces in which I perform listening. The B/W question is tongue in cheek, but I was really inspired by the song's original music video, in which a series of faces/video portraits morph into each other..."


  1. Watched this video a couple of weeks ago, really great! Typing in "Experimental TV Center" into YouTube and Vimeo brings up a lot of interesting work. Would love to go on a residency there in the future!

  2. oh! same here I think it would be very interesting and force me to make some actual work !

    you've probably see seen it but I recently found the website for NCET (national center for experimental television) the unlike the ETC didn't survive through the decades, but all the same its worth a read
